07/10/22 - Five components Ideas

For this project the five options I have chosen to complete are as follows:

  • Animated button and lever system
  • In-game painting tool
  • Interactive door system
  • Main menu using 3D diegetic /in-world components
  • Radial menu

(Note many of the following ideas will likely only be developed as extras after the base mechanics for all five items are implemented)

My idea for this is to merge them into a game tutorial where the player acts as a futuristic postal delivery driver. The buttons and levers can be used to open storage for the players van/act as doorbells for the apartments. For the interactive door system I have an idea planned where the door is initially locked but the player may knock on the doors to get someone to unlock them. For both the radial menu and the in game painting tool the player will use a clipboard attacked to the players hand, this can be used to access some setting and information; additionally the player may be required to sign items using said clipboard and a pen. For the in game menu, the player will be able to teleport to and from their main vehicle using a set of keys accessed on the players person (such as picking them off the belt) pressing these will teleport the player to the drivers seat of the vehicle where the player can use sliders and other visual components to change the games setting such as audio volume and player height.

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